Hornsea Museum has reopened for the 2022 season, having had something of a facelift during the winter months.
Museum manager Louise Patrick showed off a number of new features inside the popular attraction, as well as the new windows that have been installed at the front.
The museum, which has the largest collection of the famous Hornsea Pottery, is now in a position to sell Hornsea Pottery glass tumblers, along with other new stock on display.
Ms Patrick pointed out new items in several cabinets that are still in their regular places in various places around the museum, and previous favourites such as the air raid shelter that opened last year.
A statement from the manager also extended an opportunity for people to volunteer for several roles at the attraction – particularly at children’s craft workshops every Thursday during the school holidays.
Volunteers are also needed in the shop, and to help with admission and behind the scenes.
Ms Patrick said: “If people want to volunteer that would be hugely appreciated – we are always looking for volunteers.”
If anyone wants to help, they can contact the museum by calling 01964 533443 and can also find more information at hornseamuseum.co.uk.
Ms Patrick added: “As well as the A Stitch in Time group that meets every Tuesday, we are also planning various events during the summer.
“We have a photograph exhibition and sale by volunteer David Hobson over the Easter weekend and there will be an event to mark the Platinum Jubilee.”
Admission prices for this year are £5 for adults, £3 for children (under-fives free) and £15 for a family of two adults and up to three children. Opening times are 10am to 4pm Monday to Saturday and 1pm to 4pm Sunday, with last admissions at 3pm each day.