16 February 2025

Mixed emotions as Ukraine crisis deepens

I’m short on space this week, so I’ll leave you with a few brief thoughts on the local response to the Ukraine crisis.

I have conflicting emotions, like many others, I’m sure, because the humanitarian disaster and unspeakable brutality of what’s going on in Ukraine is too awful for words. I know I should turn the news off, but then I reason that, the people over there cannot just flick a channel and end it all. I feel that I – we – need to see it.

But on the other hand, just before you begin to utterly despair of humanity, you see the incredible response of people across our area and beyond who have come together to organise much-needed aid and physically take it to the people who need it most. At a time when we in this country are facing spiralling energy and fuel bills, the selflessness of these people is truly amazing and humbling.

I wanted the Gazette to be able to help in some small way, so, as reported on page 1, we’ll be accepting donations for Hull 4 Ukraine at our Withernsea office for as long as the volunteers are running their campaign. I briefly dropped into the Living Hope church in Hull last week with a small bag of stuff and it was a hive of activity, rammed to the rafters with items brought in by ordinary people, some of whom, no doubt, are struggling to make ends meet themselves.

We can’t do much individually, but together, we absolutely can make a difference. Or, as a Hull 4 Ukraine spokeswoman said: “Small hearts can do big work when they beat together.”