16 February 2025

I’ve been a bit under the weather

This week’s column is brought to you by hot toddies and paracetamol.

For the first time in what seems like ages, I’ve felt really under the weather this past few days, so I apologise in advance if anything in this paper is more skewwhiff than it usually is…

It wasn’t Covid, though. And in a way, I was almost disappointed, because you get far more tea and sympathy if you’ve got Covid – and you are mandated (for now, at any rate) to stay at home in your pyjamas.

Technology being what it is now, I mostly worked from home this week, only dragging myself into the office on deadline day.

But I think that if you’re burning the candle at both ends, which I admit I have been a bit lately, sometimes your body makes the decision for you, and it calls a halt.

I hope to be back firing on all cylinders very soon – and I’m looking forward to meeting up with our Easington United correspondent Richard Lusmore next week to hear all about his new book on Hull City. Watch this space, as they say.

And finally, huge congratulations to Hornsea’s Ian Carass on winning our short story competition run in partnership with Seaside FM. You can read his story, and judge Andrea Burn’s comments, on page 6.