27 July 2024

Century-old Hornsea bowling green seeks donations to secure future

by Rebecca Hannant

Hornsea Promenade Bowling Club is seeking donations to restore its green, which members say is in major need of repairs.

Established more than 100 years ago, the club has seen its share of enthusiastic sportsmen and women going to the green for a match of bowls. For many people, the club has offered a space for people to socialise and helps to promote physical activities for people of all ages.

Due to the gentle nature of the sport, many older people also rely on it to keep active.

Over its long history, the green has been used for many friendly and competitive games with a team of dedicated volunteers working hard to keep it well-maintained. However, with constant use, it is now showing a bit of wear and tear, with more than a few bumps and hollows.

Club member John Soulsby, who has set up a GoFundMe page, hopes to raise £5,000 so the work can be carried out over winter in time for the next season.

The club has already managed to raise about £1,500 through donations, but is still calling on local people and businesses to help ensure the green lasts for many more years to come.

To donate, visit gofund.me/43ece96d