27 July 2024

The impact of local sport

If you’ve been down the far end of Queen Street in the past week, you’ll notice we have our new signage up. I’d like to ...
Posted in Editor’s notes

Frightening news

Well, this is it – the last editorial I’ll be writing from number 1, Seaside Road. Next week we’ll be producing the paper from 2, ...
Posted in Editor’s notes

Moving times

I said I wasn’t here this week, and I’m not… but by the magic of modern technology I’m still able to write and send this ...
Posted in Editor’s notes

Devoid of values

We don’t usually have really negative stories on the front page. As a community newspaper we try to highlight the good things that local people ...
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This could be a blight on town

I must admit that some of the “NO TO THE POLES” signs in the recent protest in Hedon caused a bit of amusement in our ...
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The fun keeps on coming!

We’ve all finally managed to catch up on a bit of much-needed sleep after the Blue Light Weekend! As you can read on the facing ...
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What an incredible legacy this event will leave

The pictures in this week’s paper say it all. What an absolutely incredible couple of days in Withernsea! The town has not seen the like ...
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Just another day in the office…

One of the things that makes our job working on the Gazette is the people we encounter day to day. There was one chap who ...
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Caring about our community

For this week’s feature on the forthcoming Blue Light Weekend, I headed to both Withernsea Police Station and Withernsea Fire Station, where it was great ...
Posted in Editor’s notes

A rational phobia

I have a bit of a phobia about being the wrong way up. I mean, that’s not entirely irrational, is it? Unlike my phobia of ...
Posted in Editor’s notes