27 July 2024

Busy weekend ahead for Ruby’s dancers

By Rebecca Hannant

A dance troupe from Withernsea are looking forward to a long weekend of Jubilee performances as part of their ongoing efforts to provide entertainment for the people of the town.

Ruby’s dancers have regularly performed at various venues and events in the resort, including Seasiders’ Halloween and Christmas parties last year. Their latest performance was at the WOW (Withernsea on Wheels) festival in Valley Gardens on the weekend of May 28 and 29.

The troupe have been cooking, sewing, collecting soft toys, bric-a-brac, clothes and tombola prizes so they can raise funds to buy a PA system, which would allow them to be more self-contained and display their talents further afield.

Janet Farrar, of Ruby’s dancers, said: “We like to keep ourselves busy and active constantly, not only through dance but involving other activities – we need to keep our older brains active.”

Julie Caddick added: “We just love performing. The ladies are a fantastic bunch – I can’t believe I’m fulfilling my childhood dream of becoming a dancer.”

The troupe will be at Seasiders on Thursday, June 2, and Saturday June 4, at 3pm, and the Butterfly Inn Jubilee Garden Party and Friday June 3, and Sunday, June 5.

Ruby’s dance classes take place throughout the week at the Methodist church hall in Hull Road, Withernsea. Call Ruby on 01964 751189 for more details or search for Dance Withernsea on Facebook.