13 September 2024

Volunteers invited to free event

Active Withernsea’s PACE Network is running a free event in the town aimed at creating a conversation around volunteering and how more opportunities can be created.

The informal get-together at the Meridian Centre on Wednesday, September 6, will be a chance for people to share personal insights into what sparked their interest in volunteering, how they got involved, what their interests are and how a network of volunteers can be built up within the community.

All are welcome, whether they volunteer for a sports team, community group or charity.

A spokesman for PACE said: “Volunteers are an important part of the community and help make the events you see in Withernsea run smoothly and, most importantly, keep them sustainable and ensure they can continue to be offered to the community.

“We would like to invite you to take part in a conversation around how Withernsea can plan to recruit more volunteers, hear your stories of volunteering, and recognise the great work already within the Withernsea community.”

The event will take place on Wednesday, September 6, from 5.30pm to 7pm. Light refreshments will also be available.