16 February 2025

Thank you for your generosity – it’s amazing

I know I said it last week, but the response from our readers to the Ukraine crisis never fails to be amaze and humble.

I wasn’t sure what response I’d get after putting it out in the paper and on social media that we’d be happy to take donations at our Withernsea office… and to say we’ve been inundated is a bit of an understatement. I took one estate car-load to the drop-off point at Eastside Gym, Preston, last Monday, and the bags are already building up again as we speak.

The volunteers there are doing great work, and they would massively welcome some help with sorting the items. They’re open from 11am to 6pm weekdays and noon to 5pm on Saturdays, so just pop in if you can spare a few hours.

It’s also worth keeping an eye on social media to find out the updated list of what items are needed, and what aren’t. At the moment they don’t need any more blankets or bedding, so I took a fair bit of that back home with me. No matter – if it’s not required by the Ukraine appeal, it’ll surely be of great help to local homeless charities.

Just as important is the online donation site at crowdfunder.co.uk/p/hull-4-ukraine – money is urgently needed to pay for the transport to the border areas where many refugees are gathered.

We’ll continue to take donations at our Withernsea office for as long as they’re needed. Huge thanks to you all again – you’re amazing!

And I hope my Roary the Tiger makes it over safely.