12 February 2025

Skate park bench vandalised

A newly installed bench at Withernsea skate park has been vandalised.

The new bench, which had only been installed last month as part of a bid to improve the skate park, was found upturned with its securing bolts removed. It is believed that the incident happened sometime last weekend (February 26-27).

Kim Gray, town clerk, said: “How sad for Withernsea’s skateboarders – their newly installed bench was wrenched from its bolts at the weekend, after only three weeks.

“The vandalised bench left the securing bolts exposed, posing a risk for skatepark users over the weekend.”

Anyone with information about the incident should contact Withernsea Town Council on 01964 614984 or email [email protected], or call Humberside Police on 101.