27 July 2024

Residents mop up after storm damage

by Michelle Horst

Storm Henk brought yet further upset and disruption to homes across the region after homes in Withernwick spent hours over the New Year without power, while heavy rainfall on saturated ground flooded many of the area’s roads and properties.

Pumps failed at Catfoss, flooding fields, businesses and homes. One resident said: “It’s not safe – we’ve reported it, but we’re not the priority at the moment.”

East Riding Council attempted to attend as many affected areas as possible. However, with Storm Henk being the seventh named storm of the year bringing further high levels of rain, resources were stretched.

Communities supported one another, with residents taking to social media to advise of blocked roads, flooded drains and other dangers to the public.

The council released warnings on social media advising drivers not to go through flood waters. “Do not drive through flood water – it is often deeper than it looks and just 30cm of flowing water is enough to float your car. Driving through flooded roads can also push water into homes.”

However, drivers were still tempted to navigate deep waters in the hope of completing a journey.

One frustrated resident near Leven said: “It’s getting ridiculous. We’re being cut off. Catwick Hill is getting worse, and the drain here burst its banks.

“I don’t know why the Environment Agency doesn’t dredge the drains. It would stop this. Cars don’t think about pedestrians when they drive through.”

The Environment Agency has an interactive map for the public to access: check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/alerts-and-warnings.

Floods minister Robbie Moore encouraged people to register for flood warnings: “I know how devastating flooding is for people, and also I urge people to be vigilant and to check their flood risk, sign up for free flood warnings and keep up to date with the latest situation.”

Residents can sign up for flood warnings at gov.uk/sign-up-for-flood-warnings. Those who do not have internet access are advised to register via the Floodline on 0345 988 1188 or textphone 0345 602 6340.

The Government announced on January 6 that funds would be released via the Flood Recovery Framework to help property owners and farmers with the impact of Storm Henk.

Environment minister Steven Barclay said: “For those who have sadly been affected, our Property Flood Resilience Repair Grant Scheme will soon be open to help residents protect their property in the future, while our Farming Recovery Fund will support farmers who have suffered damage as they work to put food on our tables.”

The Community Recovery Grant offers up to £500 for each eligible household affected by flooding within the home, with a further £5,000 available via the Household Flood Resilience Grant.

Additionally, there is help via the Business Relief Grant for businesses. Farmers with uninsured damage can apply for up to £25,000 through the Farming Recovery Fund.

Further information is available from East Riding Council on 01482 393939, or via the council’s website at eastriding.gov.uk/living/emergencies/preparing-for-emergencies/flooding.