19 January 2025

Questions invited ahead of town meeting

by Ray Duffill

Hedon’s annual town meeting takes place later this month, and is open to all registered electors in the town.

The meeting at the Town Hall, St Augustine’s Gate, on Thursday, April 20, starts at 7.15pm with the mayor of Hedon in the chair.

Annual reports will be given by the mayor and committee chairs (for planning, property, finance and general purposes).

There will then be an opportunity for the electors of Hedon to ask questions on matters relating to the business of the town. To provide as much opportunity for residents to take
part, send one question per resident only, in advance (by Wednesday, April 19) in writing to Town Hall, Hedon HU12 8EX, or by email to [email protected].

The Town Hall is open from 9am to 3pm on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

You should include your name and address to confirm you are a registered elector of Hedon. Only questions received in writing or by email will be heard.