16 February 2025

Primary pupils enjoy heated debate during day of philosophy sessions

Dragons, elephant gods, animal rights, ghosts and the rights and wrongs of life were all studied by at children in philosophy sessions at Easington CE Primary Academy.

The sessions were led by philosopher Larry Malkin, who engaged children with discussion lessons aimed at improving their logical thinking, learning patterns and speaking and listening skills.

Teacher Robbie Carrick said: “‘Every child, from six to 11, has been involved in developing ideas that have stretched their imagination to new limits. The ideas and concepts that they have come up are way beyond all expectations and this will continue. I am both amazed and illuminated by the responses.”

The new skills were demonstrated in an afternoon assembly that was also attended by parents. The parents joined the debate on “whether or not boys or girls were the stronger sex”.

Larry, who is also a local artist, said: “The discussion became quite heated, but the group concluded in deciding that tasks are now shared more evenly in society and that it all now comes down to individual personalities.”

After the discussion the children were awarded certificates in Junior Philosophy by ex-teacher and philosopher Gerard Hailwood, from Welwick.