12 February 2025

Plans for asphalt plant near Brandesburton to go back before council

AN APPLICATION to build an asphalt plant near Brandesburton is going back before East Riding Council’s planning committee today (Thursday, August 18).

Newlay Asphalt and MB Goodwin (Skipsea) want to create a facility on the old RAF Catfoss base with the ability to process up to 100 tonnes of asphalt per hour.

Planning documents identified that the plant would operate between 5am and 3pm Monday to Friday. It would also be open until 10pm on Saturdays, but closed on Sundays and bank holidays. There would be a total of 30 HGV movements a day for 15 vehicles, with potential for 10 more from smaller lorries making 20 trips to and from the plant.

Following the initial application, the plans attracted 376 objections from residents who were concerned about various pollutants as well as odour and noise. Objectors also claimed that the site would create fuel congestion and that the noise pollution would put off tourists to the area.

Campaigners against the plant say it would be just 500m from the nearest house and only about a mile from the village school, church and local amenities.

The meeting, which is being held at County Hall in Beverley, will also be live-streamed to East Riding Council’s YouTube Channel. The agenda and the officers’ reports can be viewed at eastriding.gov.uk/planning-committee.

Meanwhile, a Facebook Group has been set up to help fight the application following the creation of an objectors’ group called Communities Reject Asphalt Plant.

The private group aims to be a forum for residents to collaborate and share latest updates and any other useful information.