12 February 2025

Plan for 20 new homes in village

An application has been submitted to build 20 new homes in Keyingham.

The proposals by Benson Planning Studio will span across a site of 0.65 hectares off Church Lane and will see all 20 homes marked as “affordable” under the Government’s First Homes scheme. According to the plans there will be eight two-bed and 12 three-bed homes on the site.

John Benson, of Benson Planning Studio, said: “First Homes is an exciting new government scheme aimed at helping more people on to the property ladder.

“Subject to approval, this scheme provides new-build homes which are offered to first- time buyers at a discount of at least 30 per cent of the market value, with priority given to local people and key workers.

“The discount will then apply to that home forever, meaning future first-time buyers will benefit from the scheme too.”

As per East Riding Council’s Local Plan, the area has been identified as benefiting from 200 new homes, although no applications have yet been submitted totalling that allowance.

However, some Keyingham residents raised concerns about the impact of the increased population on local facilities including healthcare, shopping, traffic management and education. Others were worried about the impact on nature and green spaces in the village.

The plans identify that to make way for the development, three red chestnut trees will be removed from Church Lane, and a fourth will be removed from Hull Road.

One Keyingham resident, who did not wish to be named, said: “I am saddened by the development. The field is an important part of the village – it provides access to nature. I have watched hundreds of people come and visit. We have lots of animals.

“To lose all that is a real shame. The loss of trees is also appalling – they have been there a long time.”

Residents also speculated on the increased pressure on sewer drainage as some of the homes in the Ings Lane area have previously been damaged by a collapsed sewer drainage system. Although repairs have been made, residents remain concerned that an increase in homes may cause further damage. However, the developers claimed they would overcome this problem by using a pumping station in their plans.

Another Keyingham resident told the Gazette that they were concerned about how the development had been communicated to people in the village, saying that only two A4 posters had been attached to lampposts near Church Lane, and many residents were unaware of the plans.

The resident also raised concerns over the process to comment on the planning application, saying that the East Riding planning website was inaccessible to those without a computer and the internet and that, otherwise, they have limited means to comment on the proposals.

Benson Planning Studio said it was unable to comment on the wider effect on local facilities. To view or comment on the application, visit the East Riding Planning Access website and use the reference 23/01277/OUT.