More than 1,000 people have signed a petition to save the 30 jobs at Withernsea’s bus depot.
The petition was launched by Beverley and Holderness MP Graham Stuart amid rumours that the garage in Bannister Street was due to close after a fatal fire at a neighbouring property in March.
Ben Gilligan, managing director of East Yorkshire Buses, met Mr Stuart and the South East Holderness councillors last month and said a decision had not yet been made, but added that he was mindful of the impact on Withernsea of any closure.
Mr Stuart said: “Thanks to Gazette readers, 1,178 people in Withernsea have signed the petition. I’m taken aback.
“I knew people cared but it’s incredible how much everyone in Withernsea wants to keep these 30 jobs here.
“Now it’s time for me to make sure East Yorkshire Buses knows this too so I’ve presented the petition to the bus company, together with my reminder of why Withernsea believes so fervently that these jobs must stay.
“Quite simply, Withernsea can’t afford to lose 30 skilled jobs.
“Councillors Sean McMaster, Claire Holmes, Lyn Healing and I will continue to do all we can to make sure your voices are heard on this important issue.”