12 February 2025

New branch of Andy’s Man Club to launch in Withernsea

By Rebecca Hannant

A new men’s mental health group will launch in Withernsea later this month. In a bid to improve the mental health of men in Withernsea and surrounding areas, a new branch of Andy’s Man Club is starting up at Withernsea Golf Club on Monday, January 27.

Facilitator Josh Anderson said he had been inspired to set up the group after noticing the lack of mental health support in the area. He said: “There are a couple of support groups in Withernsea already which offer a range of different activities, such as meals. But the nearest Andy’s Man Club is 15 miles away from Withernsea at Hull KR.”

Josh spoke to several local businesses to try to drum up support and a location. Withernsea Golf Club was keen to support him, offering its premises free of charge for the weekly meetup.

Josh added: “The idea is you sit in a circle and a ball comes round. When the ball comes to you, you are asked five questions. The first is how’s your week been? The second is what’s a positive from the week? I’ve always put a spin on it, saying what’s your greatest positive or what’s your biggest positive? I like to give people 30-40 seconds to try to think of the week that’s just gone past. I then ask what’s one thing that really stands out, that has been a highlight for them.

“I then ask them is there anything to get off your chest? That can be anything positive, it could be anything negative, it could be something small but it could also be something big, such as they’ve lost someone recently, or they’re going through a bit of a hard time.

“This gives people the chance to be able to share their story, and they might resonate with other blokes who are from a different walk of life to them, and they find comfort in what other people are saying.”

The group will launch on Monday, January 27, from 7pm to 9pm, and will be open every Monday excluding bank holidays. No referral is needed from a GP, and any male over the age of 18 can turn up free of charge.

Among those praising the launch of the new club is Josh Richardson, who last year completed a motorcycle ride around the coastline of Britain to help raise awareness and funds for the charity.

He said: “I’m unbelievably thankful to Sean Gill, Josh Anderson and many others from Andy’s Man Club who have directly contributed to the Withernsea club being founded. From conversations I’ve had with men from around the country, I am confident that the club is going to be an invaluable resource for the area.

“I strongly believe that the opening of Andy’s Man Club, Withernsea, is in no small part due to the collective efforts of everyone who supported me on my ride around the country. From a Facebook share, a tank of fuel, a campsite for the night, or money donated to the JustGiving page, each gesture of support for me played a huge part in opening this club as well as supporting men and their families all around the country.”

Josh was prompted to act after witnessing the struggles of friends and family who had experienced mental health issues in recent years. Setting himself the challenge of travelling around the UK with only a tent and sleeping bag strapped to the back of his bike, he travelled more than 5,000 miles in 15 days and raised more than £37,500 for the charity.

Overwhelmed by offers of help to meet the logistical needs of his challenge, including the provision of food, fuel and accommodation along the way, this support was invaluable and proved to be a symbolic reminder of the importance that support from others can bring on the journey to achieving positive mental health and wellbeing.

He added: “I met so many amazing people along the way. When they found out what I was doing, they not only offered me support but they also opened up and shared their own stories about struggles with mental health, which was actually really humbling and exactly what the trip was all about.

“My motorbike challenge last year was always about helping others and getting people talking. I really hope that people talk about the new club openly, as well as encourage friends and family to attend. The hardest part is walking through the doors. After that, you’ll always have someone to talk to.”

Additional reporting: Tim Nuttall