12 February 2025

MP announces winner of coronavirus memorial quilt competition

Beverley and Holderness MP Graham Stuart has announced the winner of his Parliamentary
coronavirus memorial quilt competition.

The memorial quilt is a cross-party project that is being led by Labour MP Dawn Butler to encourage the Parliamentary community to come together in a sign of unity in memory of all those loved and lost during the pandemic.

Each MP was asked to provide a square patchwork block measuring six inches square to represent what the experience of the pandemic had meant to them. These blocks will be pieced together to form a quilt that represents the multitude of experiences during this time while also demonstrating unity through a single quilt.

The winner from our region was Lynne Evans, of Withernsea. Her entry was a pink and purple patchwork block with a face mask attached, which was a simple yet effective way of reminding us of the small sacrifices we all had to make.

Lynne’s entry was accompanied by a poem that focused on the many ways that Covid-19 affected people.

She said: “I would like to thank Graham for choosing my entry to be included on the Parliamentary coronavirus memorial quilt. It is a great honour for my work to be representing Beverley and Holderness.”

After choosing his favourite entry, Mr Stuart said: “Congratulations to Lynne for her entry. I found the poem particularly moving and she did a great job of communicating the many ways the pandemic affected us all.”