7 February 2025

Management committee members needed to help hall stay open

by Ray Duffill

Samantha Banks, from Hedon’s town-centre community building the Alexandra Hall, has issued a call for new members to join the management committee.

Samantha explains: “Are you a Hedon resident willing to commit a few hours of your time on a regular basis by becoming a member of the Alexandra Hall management committee?

“The Alexandra Hall is a self-funded charity (no. 507542 – Hedon Community Centre Trust) that provides the community of Hedon with the use of the hall for coffee mornings, meetings, classes and
other forms of recreational leisure time.

“Management committee members have the ultimate responsibility of ensuring that the hall is kept in a good state of repair, all current health and safety and fire regulations are adhered to and that the hall is ready for its users.

“Please consider becoming a committee member, which will enable the hall to stay open and available to its many users.”

People interested in taking up a place on the volunteer committee are advised to email [email protected] and explain a little bit about themselves and what they might be able to bring to the committee.