19 September 2024

Irish eyes were smiling at choir’s spring concert

Withernsea Ladies’ Choir hired the Meridian Centre for their excellent spring concert last Saturday afternoon, ably conducted as usual by Patrick Pearson, and accompanied with precision by Paul Pike.

So soon after St Patrick’s Day, there was a strong Irish content in the repertoire: Danny Boy, Delaney’s Donkey and When Irish Eyes are Smiling the favourites.

Introducing the showery afternoon to come, choir president Jean Carter was careful to remind a sizeable audience that we were to sing “King” and “him” in the National Anthem!

And the assembled aficionados gave good voice to both I Do Like to be Beside the Seaside, and Parry’s Jerusalem.

There was even a time when every member of the choir took a kazoo out of their pockets! All good preparation for the choir’s 95th birthday concert on June 17.

Godfrey Holmes, Withernsea.