By Tim Nuttall
Former students belonging to Withernsea High School’s admissions intake of September 1964 are set to reunite this summer for their first large-scale reunion in 30 years.
The Class of 1964 reunion, which will take place on Saturday, June 24, between 3pm and 11pm at Withernsea’s Northfield Bar and Restaurant, has been months in the planning and comes in the same year that the members of the cohort turn 70.
With many of the group having not seen one another since their last major reunion in 1993, and others having not reconnected since leaving school more than 50 years ago, this summer’s event has sparked considerable interest from those seeking an opportunity to reminisce and collectively celebrate their milestone birthdays. Such has been the appeal for a return to their roots, and a trip down memory lane, that confirmed attendees will be jetting in from as far afield as Australia, with many others from around the UK and closer to home also eager to attend.
Event co-organiser Pauline Broadbent (nee Render) said: “We are all really looking forward to reconnecting with one another and sharing memories of our time at Withernsea High School. After so many years, there will be a lot of catching up to do.
“As things stand, we already have over 50 ‘classmates’ interested in attending our reunion. We have tried to contact as many of our year group as possible and are looking forward to what promises to be a successful event.
“We would certainly love to see as many faces as possible. So, if you were there with us, or know anyone who was, please do get in touch.”
Attendees are invited to bring with them any relevant photographs/memorabilia that they have from their time at school to share with others and inspire memories.
To coincide with the meet-up, the group are also hoping to enjoy a tour of the present-day Withernsea High School. Although many of the buildings they remember were demolished as part of the school’s 2015 rebuild and refurbishment project, sections of the original school remain which are certain to help jog a few memories.
A spokesperson for the school said: “It is always a pleasure to hear from former students of the school and to offer our support in helping them reconnect and share memories.
“Wherever logistically possible, we are always delighted to welcome former students back to the school for opportunities to tour our site as part of their reunion plans.
“Of course, much has changed in the 54 years since the majority of the Class of 1964 will have last walked the corridors of the school, and we hope to offer them a look around the modern facilities that our current students benefit from.
“We are also always keen to hear about the varied life and career experiences that have been enjoyed by our former students and we look forward to learning more about the paths they
have taken which may provide inspiration to our current students for their own careers journeys.” Although the Northfield is accessible to the reunion group between 3pm and 11pm, organisers are suggesting a convened meeting time of 7pm to ensure that everyone can be together. For those wanting a meal, the venue’s teatime menu will be available to purchase between 5pm and 8pm.
Pauline added: “We are grateful to the Northfield for their help and support in accommodating our reunion. We appreciate that many people, particularly those who are travelling from afar, will be keen to explore the area, visit friends or family, or just want time to reconnect with long lost friends. As such, we are thankful that the venue is providing us with a base where we can all meet throughout the day ahead of the evening’s main celebrations.
“We would also like to invite the partners of our guests to join us and we look forward to meeting everyone’s ‘other halves’”.
A dedicated Facebook page, titled Withernsea 1964, has been set up to help find former classmates and spread the word of the reunion.
Pauline said: “We would urge anyone in contact with any of our school pals, who might not be aware of the reunion, to help spread the word and get in touch with us either through the Facebook page or by email at [email protected].”