12 February 2025

Hats off to the unsung heroes making Jubilee celebrations happen

It’s finally here!

Whether you’ll be indulging in a bit of flag-waving this long weekend or shutting your curtains to it all (and that’s absolutely fair enough), I do hope you have a good one. I’m just hoping to use the time to chill out and maybe do a bit of much-needed gardening, though I’ll likely have a wander down to Burstwick village hall and take in the events going on there. The village has made a great effort to organise activities for all the family across the whole weekend, as have numerous other places.

Indeed, there’s just so much going on in our region in just about every town and village that we struggled to fit it all in last week’s special edition – but I think we made a pretty good fist of it, if I do say so myself! I’d like to thank the team here for all their hard work last week – and always.

Community stalwarts up and down Holderness should also be congratulated for their work in bringing people together, not just this weekend, but year-round. They’re often unsung heroes and without them, nothing would ever get done.

I do worry sometimes whether it’s the older generation that is keeping things going, and whether a younger cohort will step up and follow in their footsteps. I hear from time to time about various parish council and other community meetings being poorly attended, and people complaining about a general apathy towards local issues. There are certainly those who are often vocal on social media but then don’t follow it up with action. But then again, younger people tend to be busy with their families and work, and in these difficult times of the rising cost of living, helping with village life might come fairly low down on the list; such things inevitably fall to retired people with more time on their hands.

Anyway, as I said last week – please do send us your Jubilee pictures! We’d love to see them and publish a selection in another special edition. And if you want to tell us about a community hero who has been instrumental in organising an event, we’ll be more than happy to shine the spotlight on them.

Have a fantastic weekend!