16 February 2025

Green light for housing development

By Rebecca Hannant

An application for 199 new homes to be built in Withernsea has been approved.

In February 2022, an application was submitted by Gleeson Regeneration to East Riding Council to build 201 new homes on land west of 26 Hollym Road.

The plan, which was later revised to 199 homes, was approved by the council on October 4.

According to the plans, the new development will attract about 500 residents, with an average of 2.4 people per household. Numerous Withernsea residents had lodged objections to the development, citing concerns about the impact on local services and facilities including access to schools, health treatment and employment.

One resident, Robert Beecroft, said: “There is no infrastructure to support this estate.

“Unemployment is very high here and we know that these big companies will only employ the bare minimum from the local area, and this will only be short-term.

“The school, which has recently been modernised, would have to be added to or a further school needed.

“Dentists are not available – people cannot even get on a list, and the waiting time to get a doctor’s appointment is three weeks if you are lucky, and that will probably be a phone appointment.”

At a meeting in April this year, Withernsea Town Council resolved not to support the planning application, saying its main concerns were the impact on traffic in the area and road safety.

On the East Riding Council public planning portal, town clerk Jayne Moxon wrote: “After discussions with and listening to the concerns of residents, the town council remains concerned that the access road to the site is inadequate and additional traffic will add congestion to the already busy A1033. There is a junction nearby and no pedestrian crossing. Road safety could be compromised.”

However, Highway Development Management raised no objection to the plans, saying that there had been two recorded accidents within 500m of the site since 2016, one slight and one serious.

“Both accidents occurred on dry days and in daylight hours. The records indicate that there are no specific safety concerns in the vicinity of the site.”

Recommending the development for approval, the planning officer said: “It is recognised that despite being a sustainable location for new development, the market in Withernsea is fragile and the scheme would bring much-needed housing delivery within the town.”

A spokesman from Gleeson Homes said: “Gleeson Homes builds affordable, quality homes in locations where they are needed, and in the main for first-time buyers and families on low to average incomes and, in many cases, for people who are already from the area.

“Plans for the development in Withernsea will have a positive impact on the area as Gleeson Homes will be looking for local tradespeople, apprentices, sub-contractors and suppliers to work on the development throughout the construction phase.”