7 February 2025

Fundraising open garden season ends with splash of colour

by Terry Bearpark

Last Sunday, Larry and Jenny Malkin welcomed visitors into their garden in Main Street, Welwick, in aid of St Mary’s Church funds.

More than £350 was raised in donations, sales of refreshments and a tombola stall.

Visitors were enthralled by the widely varied themes in the garden, including a Mojito bed, a tropical area, a Japanese- styled garden and a giant egg sculpture, guarded by dragons.

Further entertainment was provided by Shetland pony Sophie, who enjoyed the windfall apples.

This was the final open garden in a series over the summer. Each of the four events were well supported by an enthusiastic group of volunteers who baked, made and sold refreshments, manned stalls and helped with the behind-the-scenes organisation. The community spirit showed what a small village can achieve.

A total £1,440 was raised by the four events and is a welcome donation to St Mary’s Church.

St Mary’s is hosting an open church weekend this Saturday and Sunday as part of the Yorkshire Historic Churches Trust Open Days.

Everyone is welcome to visit the church which is open on both days from 10am to 3pm.