7 February 2025

Don’t miss our holiday guide and writing contest

I’ve been shunted to page 4 this week, so I’ve not got much space (hooray, I hear you cry!), so I’ll just draw your attention to a couple of things worth mentioning.

In the middle of your paper, with any luck, you’ll find our 2022 Holiday Guide, which is packed with ideas on what to get up in our region this spring and summer if you’re not jetting off somewhere else for months on end.

It also includes my account of a beautiful spring day on the Spurn Safari not long before I tested positive for Covid, was confined to barracks and then totally forgot about writing up the feature. It turned out that the Holiday Guide would be the perfect place for it – so turn to page 27 of the guide and read all about how my mum’s wish to go on the Unimog finally came true.

We are also launching our short story competition for children this week, in association with Seaside FM. If you’re a parent/guardian or primary school teacher, please do encourage your children to take part. See page 7 for all the details of how to send in the stories – we can’t wait to read them!