9 September 2024

Clock restoration appeal handed £25,000

By Rebecca Hannant

Organisers behind plans to restore St Nicholas Church War Memorial Clock have received a major grant from Withernsea Big Local, but are still only halfway towards their fundraising target.

Withernsea resident Darrin Stevens launched an appeal showcasing ambitious plans to restore the Second World War memorial clock at St Nicholas Church, off Park Avenue.

The clock is thought to have last worked properly in 2017 and needs repairs to the mechanisms, bars and weights. Restoration work to was also proposed to the clock faces.

The cost of the full restoration, including an accompanying website, is estimated at £50,000. Withernsea residents have backed the plans, and their comments were passed to grant-giving organisation Withernsea Big Local.

Responding to the appeal, the Big Local has now awarded £25,000 to the clock fund.

Darrin said: “I am really pleased that the Big Local have given us the £25,000, somewhat short. Yet, I cannot understand how we can jump through hoops, get the best feedback from the people of Withernsea and give them their voice. I still think we are missing something here.

“The amount is not what we asked for, which is what we wanted to get to fully restore the clock, but what we have been given means we can get it working, especially for the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 2025.

“It is so important to get this clock repaired because those soldiers fought for us, they died for us, and they gave everything they could. Shouldn’t we have the right to remember them?”

Darrin said that although the money would be used to get the clock repaired, a full restoration remained elusive. The plans will now go back to the Church Conservation Trust, which owns St Nicholas Church, to consider the future of the project.

He added: “I am hoping in the next six months the chimes will be heard.”

Darrin is now working with the town council to seek further funding. Members of the church are also organising a series of events to raise funds for the restoration. Details will be published in due course.