13 September 2024

Church members in prayer with a difference

Congregation members from three churches spent an hour on Friday, February 23, literally “Praying over Withernsea.”

Withernsea Churches Together had originally planned this event in March 2020 but had to cancel because of the first lockdown.

The 12 participants gathered in the lighthouse at 2pm. Some of the group made their way up to the top of the lighthouse overlooking the town and prayed for the people. The remaining members stayed on the ground level for the same purpose.

The event was the idea of Rev Philip West, who has done prayer walks in the town and produced an open-air passion play and a nativity play in Withernsea and some surrounding villages.

Rev West, who was one of those who climbed to the top, said: “This will put a different perspective on our prayers. In doing the prayer walks, it was good to be in the thick of it and meet with people as we prayed for them.

“This time, I thought it would be good to get an overview of the town as we lifted its people in prayer.

“Withernsea Churches Together are very grateful to the lighthouse volunteers’ committee for allowing us to use this unique venue.”