7 February 2025

Can-collecting fundraiser for Ruben’s Voice hailed a success

by Rebecca Hannant

A Hedon non-profit organisation has been collecting aluminium cans to raise money for the cause.

For the past few months Ruben’s Voice has been urging the community to donate their used cans. Once collected the cans are taken to the Humberside Reclamation plant in Hull where they are exchanged for a sum of money depending on weight.

Ruben’s Voice was set up by Katy Smith, in memory of her son, Ruben Ferrol, who took his own life at the age of 18 in April 2021. The organisation runs a series of regular events that aim to get people talking about their mental health.

The can-collecting initiative has been hailed a massive success as numerous individuals and businesses across Hedon and the wider region have collected hundreds of cans which have helped contribute to funds for events as well as raising awareness of the cause.

It also means that fewer cans are being littered on the streets or ending up in landfill.

Katy said: “We take the cans to the Humberside Reclamation in Lockwood Street in Hull and they put cash directly into the Ruben’s Voice account.

“I absolutely love this campaign because not only have we raised lots of money to put towards creating the Ruben’s Voice wellbeing hub, but absolutely loads of people are collecting cans for us, so they are raising money without having to put their hands in their pockets, raising a lot of awareness by asking friends, colleagues and family to collect them too, and we have literally saved tonnes of aluminium from going into rubbish bins.

“Even some sports and social clubs are collecting for us – we really can’t thank everyone enough for their support.”

Aluminium cans can be put behind the wellbeing hub on Draper’s Lane in Hedon at any time or taken directly to Humberside Reclamation and if you tell them they are for Ruben’s Voice, they will add them to the organisation’s account.

The Gazette office at Owthorne Manor in Hubert Street, Withernsea, is also collecting cans. Anyone in Withernsea and surrounding areas can drop their bags of empty cans at the office between 9am and 5pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 4pm on Fridays.

Ruben’s Voice also has a packed summer of events lined up.

On Saturday, July 6, from noon to 9pm, the Hed’On Inn is hosting a fundraising family fun in aid of Ruben’s Voice.

On Thursday, July 25, a “just for fun” and Holderness Academy new starters get-together will take place from 6pm to 9pm.

The Ruben’s Voice main event, a live concert featuring several musicians and inspirational speakers, will take place on the Hedon Primary School playing field on Saturday, August 17, from noon to 10pm.