by Rebecca Hannant
Withernsea residents have raised concerns after a spate of criminal behaviour in the town.
In recent weeks, there have been several reports of criminal damage, theft, and attempted break-ins. People say they are fed up and have called for action from Withernsea Town Council, East Riding Council, and Humberside Police.
On Saturday, October 5, multiple break-ins and attempted break-ins were reported to police. A front door lock in St Nicholas Park was damaged, and someone tried the front and rear door handles of a house in Lascelles Avenue.
In a house in Arthur Street, offenders gained entry via a back door and took car keys, using them to steal a black Ford Fiesta.
Officers were called to eight reports of damage to paintwork on vehicles in Cheverton Avenue. Police say they have conducted extensive inquiries in the area, and CCTV is being processed.
Between October 1-2, vandals broke into a Withernsea allotment and damaged several sheds, fences, and greenhouses. There were also reports of cruelty to chickens and theft of a lawnmower.
Anyone with any information, CCTV, or dashcam footage is urged to contact police on the non-emergency number 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.
It comes after the Valley Gardens stage was vandalised at the end of September, with a fire lit and several holes cut into the roof using a sharp object. Other recent criminal behaviour includes vandalism to the Southcliffe toilets, damage to the Belvedere Play Park, and several other places.
South East Holderness ward councillors Lyn Healing and Sean McMaster have written to the Deputy Police and Crime Commissioner and the local policing team to request a meeting to discuss reducing crime in Withernsea.
Cllr McMaster said: “I have seen several social media posts over the past few days that I have found to be very concerning – the reports of damage to livestock are particularly disturbing. I would encourage anybody that has witnessed or has been a victim of antisocial behaviour, theft, burglary, or criminal damage to report it to our local police team.”
Cllr Healing added: “I am appalled at the spate of criminal damage and animal cruelty that has recently taken place in Withernsea. I would ask anyone with any information to come forward, and this can be done confidentially.
“We will also be speaking to the East Riding antisocial behaviour team, though these issues will be investigated by the police too. Withernsea does not want this behaviour, and everything will be done to put a stop to these mindless acts.”
The spate of criminal behaviour was also the subject of discussion at the latest town council meeting on Monday, October 7.
Town clerk Jayne Moxon said: “A member of the police came to the meeting last night, as they always do to give their monthly report. Members of the public who were affected by the incidents over the weekend were assured that a full investigation is under way. The town council agreed to do what it can to prevent unauthorised access to the allotment site – we are looking into that.”
Meanwhile, Cllr Jon Dimberline, who also spoke at the meeting, further condemned the behaviour and said more needed to be done to punish those found guilty of criminal behaviour.
He said: “I know that many cars were allegedly scratched, some chickens killed on an allotment, and numerous attempts were made to break into houses, while some were entered.
“I support the police 100 per cent – they work tirelessly to follow things up. It is all well and good catching these offenders – however, it is the court system that fails us all as there is often no punishment, and there is a soft-touch approach.”