12 February 2025

Biggest challenge to date for eight-year-old fundraiser

By Rebecca Hannant

An eight-year-old girl has set herself her biggest challenge yet, aiming to walk from Redcar to Spurn Point to raise money for a mental health charity.

Alba Stogden started her fundraising journey in March 2021, aged just six. Supported by her family, she walked 310,000 steps for Samaritans. She completed her journey in 13 days and decided to carry on to the end of the month, clocking more than 800,000 steps.

In total she raised more than £3,970 for the charity. Her next fundraising challenge saw her walking 200 miles throughout the month of May 2021 in support of Andy’s Man Club.

When Alba turned seven, she completed seven more fundraisers supporting Young Minds, CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably), MINT (Men in Need Together), and IDAS, Place2Be, Papyrus and Shout.

Throughout all her challenges Alba, from Pontefract, has managed to raise a total of more than £15,000 for the charities and has reached four million steps and counting.

She has also helped the environment by collecting bags of rubbish and was the creator of the Orchard Head Covid-19 rock snake that lives in her local park. Throughout her adventures, communities have continued to support her with gifts. She was also awarded a gold badge from Blue Peter for her fundraising efforts.

Her latest challenge will see her embark on her 10th fundraising challenge in September where she will walk from Redcar to Spurn Point, passing through coastal towns including Withernsea and Hornsea, in just seven days to raise money for Rethink Mental Health.

Raising money for mental health charities is important to Alba, having grown up seeing her father struggle with mental health problems.

Alba’s mother Sophie said: “Alba walks and fundraises because she is on a mission to change the way people see and talk about mental health. She grew up watching her dad struggle with his mental health and many admissions and she wants to help anyone like him.”

Alba said: “I love it! It’s really fun. I get to have so many adventures in lots of diff erent places and I really enjoy the multi-day hikes and staying in new places. I love fundraising and walking too. I fundraise for mental health, for my daddy and for others like my daddy because it’s important to talk about mental health. My mummy told me this morning I’ve now raised £15,065.68 since I started my fundraising and I think that’s a lot!”

In the meantime, Alba wishes to continue with her walks and community projects and strives to help people with their mental health. To follow her journey, visit albasadventures.co.uk or visit the Facebook page Alba’s Adventures. To donate, visit justgiving.com/fundraising/Albas-walk-from-Redcar-to-Spurnpoint