27 July 2024

Youngsters ring in the changes in Roos

By Rebecca Hannant

To coincide with the Jubilee thanksgiving service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday, June 3, a group of youngsters were given the honour of ringing the bells at Roos All Saints’ Church.

In recent years, bell ringing has become something of a lost tradition, but those in Roos hope to pass their skills down to future generations.

Helen Audley said: “Our bells are rung from an open gallery at the back of the church and children can see what fun it is. Also, our existing young ringers are great ambassadors and encourage their friends.

“The response to our ringing is always positive. Within Roos people love to hear the bells. Nationally we get a lot of interest because of the involvement of the youngsters. Last year Jayden Newton won a national award for his commitment and outstanding contribution to ringing. This was a great achievement for someone so young.”

The church also held an exhibition on Thursday, June 2, with photos and information about the Queen’s coronation, and resident Gerard Baker created a popular village history trail.