HALSHAM’S village green was transformed into a Halloween-themed adventure ground to enable local children to enjoy the celebrations.
As Halsham is a very long village with mainly single-track roads, children rarely get a chance to go trick-or-treating, so their parents turned the village green into the focus of the event.
Local parish councillor Caroline Busse said: “Things were going well until the wind blew out all five of the matches brought along to light the tea lights in the pumpkins carved by the children (with some help from their parents), but, by this time, the children were too busy flying about to care.”
As it got darker, the treasure hunt began. After putting head torches on, the children followed signposts and clues on a trail around the village green, collecting sweets as they went.
Caroline added: “Having found – and eaten – most of the sweets, the walk home was ‘interesting’, with one parent commenting that it was like being with a load of small, drunk people, due to the heady combination of excitement and a huge sugar rush. All in all, it was agreed that it was a great success.”