12 February 2025

The virus strikes again…

Covid has hit the Gazette office again this week.

This time, Debra has come down with it – she’s a bit under the weather but on the mend, thankfully. All of us here wish her well and hope she’s back with us soon!

Zoe, who, as I’m sure you know, spent 10 days in hospital fighting the virus which resulted in a TV grilling by Peter Levy, is back now and just about firing on all cylinders, but the disruption caused by the virus has made things difficult for our close-knit team of late. Having had my booster, I’m less worried about getting seriously ill, but it’ll make work tricky, to say the least. But it does seem somewhat inevitable as it seems everyone’s got it at the moment.

For the first time in pretty much ever, my other half is working from home while I’m here at the Gazette office. He keeps sending me photos of the cats walking across his computer screen while he’s in important online meetings, pleading, “Please come home!”

Welcome to my world, I tell him. I’ve been working from home for years and cats disrupting online meetings has been the norm in the past couple of years. One or both of them has made an appearance on most Zoom calls I’ve had.

Last year, when I was working from home and had just logged on for a newspaper subbing shift, one of the cats brought a live bird into my office. It was flying around my head for ages until we finally managed to escort it out and I had to explain my momentary absence. After this incident, I invested in a great big butterfly net – and it has since been used to rescue all manner of creatures…

Anyway, don’t miss the Gazette over the coming weeks – I’m due to have a meeting with Andrea Burn about this year’s writing competition being run in partnership with Seaside FM. Watch this space, as they say…