27 July 2024

Recognition for long-serving Buff

by Terry Bearpark

A Withernsea man has been honoured for his 50 years’ service to a charitable organisation.

Colin Wilson, known to his friends as Winky, first joined the RAOB in Hunslet in May 1972 and within a few weeks was made branch secretary, a position he held for 10 years.

He served in many other branches in the West Riding before moving over to the east coast, becoming a member of the Tower Littlewood Lodge some 31 years ago. He has been branch secretary there for 16 years.

At a ceremony held at the lodge’s headquarters at the Pier Hotel in Withernsea, attended by many Buffs from other lodges and provinces, as well as Buffesses, i.e. partners of members, Colin was presented with a 50-year emblem medal and certificate.

Paying tribute to his long service to the RAOB presiding officer, Worthy Primo ROH Steven Spencer thanked Colin for his 50 years of dedication and loyalty to the charity.

“Colin has given a lifetime of commitment to the Buffs,” he said. “He has worked so very hard to promote the RAOB, despite his ill health in the last few years. He is a fine example to us all.”

His two sponsors also praised his service and commitment to the charity, especially the Tower Littlewood Lodge.

In reply, Colin thanked everyone for their very kind words but also praised his wife Joan for her great support and understanding and her contribution to the RAOB. Joan was also presented with a bouquet of flowers.

Last October he was awarded the Provincial Grand Lodge Merit Cup in recognition of his work in keeping the lodge going during the Covid pandemic.

After the presentation, lodge members and guests enjoyed a first-class buffet.