16 January 2025

Lifeboat charity welcomes ‘magnificent’ donations

Hornsea Inshore Rescue has received two large donations that will go a long way towards its efforts to improve its equipment and continue saving lives off the resort’s coast, the lifeboat and sea safety education charity has said.

Hornsea Ex-Servicemen’s Club recently handed over a donation of £2,200.

Receiving the cheque, Sue Hickson-Marsay, the chairman of the charity and station manager, said: “This magnificent donation is such a boost to our funds and will help towards our current project to update our equipment and stay at the forefront of water-based rescue services.

“The Ex-Servicemen’s Club has been a staunch supporter of Hornsea Inshore Rescue right from its inception in 1991 and has helped us save many lives since then. We are most grateful to them.”

Johnny Tether, president of the Ex- Servicemen’s Club, said: “The club is proud to have continually supported Hornsea Inshore Rescue from its very start. The money was raised from daytime and night-time bingo sessions and raffles. We are pleased to support such a worthy and local organisation.”

Meanwhile, three women from the Roos area made a surprise visit to the lifeboat station last week to present the charity with a cheque for £614.

Sheila Foston, Pat Rothwell and Linda Bleasby regularly raise money for worthwhile causes and this year it was Pat who decided “to have a clear- out” and sold a lot of old sewing patterns on eBay.

This was followed by Linda hosting a garden party, assisted by her two friends who made cakes and ice cream and ran a tombola. It was very well attended having been advertised on Facebook and around the village.

Linda said: “It raised so much money which, along with Pat’s eBay sales, came to £614, the most we have ever raised. Pat had been to one of Hornsea Inshore Rescue’s Fish and Ships evenings and had been so impressed with the voluntary organisation that she suggested the money should go to them.

“So here we are in this lovely cafe area. We didn’t know it was here and that it was part of Hornsea Inshore Rescue. We have had a lovely time here and feel so pleased to have helped this wonderful organisation.”

Sue Hickson-Marsay added: “It was such a surprise to meet these lovely ladies and receive their magnificent donation, which will go towards us maintaining our life-saving activities.” Hornsea Inshore Rescue is a totally independent local rescue organisation supported solely by donations and grants, and it is not part of the RNLI.

It also raises funds by running courses on water safety, RYA courses for certificates in offshore power-boating, jet-ski handling, VHF radio certification and the RYA one-day first aid course.

The charity also offers school visits as well as corporate 999 days where groups of people can experience a day as a member of the crew on a training day followed by a full mock rescue experience.

Visitors to Hornsea Inshore Rescue and volunteers are always welcome whether they would like to serve as crew (comprehensive training is given), fundraisers or general helpers. Anyone interested is welcome to phone Sue on 07796 257989 or Ian on 01964 534302.