12 September 2024

Ideal conditions for Boxing Day Dip

by Terry Bearpark

Conditions were ideal in Withernsea for the annual Boxing Day Dip, organised by the Withernsea and District Lions Club.

It was a dry day and while the sea was relatively calm there were breakers to add a bit of excitement to the occasion.

Almost 80 dippers of all ages took part, with many in fancy dress. Watched by hundreds of spectators, they took to the North Sea, some going straight in and out but many making the most of the opportunity to play in the surf.

As always help was on hand if required, with safety cover being provided by members of Withernsea RNLI and Withernsea Coastguard.

Taking part in his 10th Boxing Day event was veteran dipper Paul Whittaker, who recreated his first swim by wearing his scout leader’s uniform, a reminder of when he was asked to take part to raise funds for the scout group.

This year he raised £300 which he is sharing between the Lions and the local Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club.

The Lions reported that £730 had been raised by donations from spectators and others in collection buckets on the promenade, with more to come from sponsorship.

  • More pictures in the print edition this week!