12 February 2025

Heritage centre in appeal for volunteers

Trustees of the Sunk Island Heritage Centre are calling for new volunteers.

As part of ambitions to keep the centre open, people are needed to help in a variety of roles from maintenance and gardening to running events.

The group also has plans to run more events including craft fairs, book fairs and other events at the Grade II listed former Holy Trinity Church, which features a heritage display detailing how Sunk Island developed from a small island in the Humber to a Victorian industrial hub where the land was reclaimed, desalinised and turned into rich agricultural land.

Volunteer Lynn Massey-Davis said: “The resident community is still small, and this is why they need help to keep this gem of a centre open. It is currently maintained, run and opened by a small group of people, who have recently diminished in number. They’re a friendly, lively group.

“So, if you live anywhere in the local area with a few hours’ time on your hands you will be welcome to join the merry band. You don’t have to live in ‘Sunk’ to be a trustee or volunteer. While all roles will be welcome (from baking, cleaning, making) the group needs other skills too – people who can seek out funding or finance as well as handypersons.

“There is no end of opportunities available from retail, wildlife, RNLI and an abundance of heritage. The motives people have for volunteering are as wide as the range of opportunities, but it makes the world a better place and, while most of the rewards might be intangible, it is true that volunteers overall live a longer and more fruitful life and it helps to keep the old ‘grey matter’ spruced.”

For more details, visit the Sunk Island Facebook page or call 07961 866543.