12 September 2024

Groups awarded share of commuted sums funding

Two groups in Hornsea have been awarded a combined £16,849 by East Riding Council as part of commuted sums from local housing developments.

Hornsea Town Council has been awarded £10,000 to replace the exercise equipment in Hall Garth Park. In addition to the commuted sums award, the town council has received £12,640 from Sandsfield Gravel Company towards the £22,640 total cost of the project.

The project will see the exercise area in Hall Garth Park redeveloped and improved, allowing residents and visitors to exercise seven days a week for free in a nice setting.

Joanna Richardson, clerk to Hornsea Town Council, said: “Hornsea Town Council is delighted to receive funding from East Riding Council towards the redevelopment of its outdoor gym area.

“The existing gym equipment had come to the end of its natural life, and it is hoped that the new, updated, state-of-the-art facilities will be attractive to new and existing users, promoting exercise and fitness in a green open park space.”

Hornsea Bowling Club has been awarded £6,849 towards its project for club improvements. The club has also added £761 of its own funds towards the £7,610 total project cost.

With the funding, Hornsea Bowling Club will purchase a roller to help improve the bowling green. It will also be replacing the existing pavers on the patio that have been damaged over the years. These works will also incorporate a ramp into the clubhouse, which will improve the accessibility of the club.

Patrick Plumb, president of Hornsea Bowling Club, said: “I would like to thank East Riding Council for the donation. This money will ensure that the area around the clubhouse is safe for all once the new patio and ramp have been installed.

“This, together with the new roller, should also help to ensure the playing surface should continue to improve in the years to come. The cash injection will truly enhance our club so that our members and visitors can enjoy the game for many years to come.”

Councillor Claire Holmes, portfolio holder for planning, infrastructure and housing, said: “The award of these commuted sums from local housing developments as a condition of their planning approval will make a real difference to Hall Garth Park and to Hornsea Bowling Club, and it is pleasing to see these improvements coming to the town.”