16 February 2025

Fresh concerns over plans for new homes

by Ian Judson and Rebecca Hannant

An application has been submitted for a development of 182 new homes on the Hornsea Burton estate.

Keepmoat Homes’ proposal for a development on land north of Thirlmere, Rolston Road, follows the approval by East Riding Council of an earlier application by Gleeson Homes to build 195 properties on the estate, as reported in the Gazette last month.

Despite the addition of homes set to decrease the substantial need for affordable housing in the area, the proposed development by Keepmoat Homes has raised concerns among nearby residents about the impact on the town’s services, as well as how the plans were initially communicated to locals.

As the Gazette went to press, there were nearly 100 objections to the plans on the East Riding Council Public Access website.

Hornsea resident Hilary Rose said: “Last December we had a letter through from Keepmoat saying it was looking at putting properties on the field, which is agricultural field – a total of 168 properties. The local plans stated it was 121 properties.

“There is now a consultation on a new draft local plan, which has upped that number to 149 and now Keepmoat has put in another one with 182 properties. They didn’t send a letter out to everybody affected; some people know nothing about it. I didn’t know anything until I was approached by one of my neighbours.

“It’s the way they’ve put it through to planning. The planning notices went up on Friday, November 11, and by Saturday, November 12, I think it was, they came down, but we don’t know who’s taken them down.

“It seems to have been hidden from view. We didn’t know about this, and we’ve been very proactive because of what happened to the previous Hornsea Burton Road application, which was altered at the last minute.”

According to planning documents, Keepmoat Homes distributed 94 leaflets to residential properties in the local area, including Tansley Lane, Rolston Road and Greenacre Park.

Recipients were invited to provide their comments on the proposals via email or in writing, thereby allowing a three-week period for responses to be received. Keepmoat confirmed that a total of 28 responses had been received.

Other concerns raised by residents cite the impact to local provisions such as shops, schools and health services, which would be more in demand because of the increased population, as well as on wildlife.

Objections have also been raised due to the potential risk of flooding in the area.

Ms Rose added: “The old plans had green areas in the middle for children to play in, but nothing to do with drainage, but in April, we got to know that there was a problem with the drainage. Surface water could not go back into the Mere, because of nutrient neutrality, so they’re having to put an attenuation pond in.

“There are 4.8 hectares and 2.7 hectares covered by housing, so there’s not an awful lot of places for the water to go. The water already runs off this field on to the road and all the houses opposite are lower than the road so the water will probably go in these people’s gardens.

“There’s not one green space for the children to play. Where are they going to play? It’s only going to cause antisocial behaviour.

“We’ve also got a field to the back of us with a pond in and there’s a pond in this corner. We regularly have deer that come and graze here, we’ve got geese, we’ve got pheasant, we’ve got a fox that lives in this corner. We’ve also got voles, snakes and bats.”

A spokesman for Keepmoat said: “The site has been identified as an area for housing development by East Riding Council and we aim to transform it into an attractive residential environment which is in keeping with the character of the local area.

“Our vision is to create a place where people want to live and enjoy. If our plans are approved, we will ensure the development is a major benefit to the existing community, as well as providing a range of much-needed new homes to meet the local demand, which incorporates public open space and landscaping throughout.

“Following a public consultation earlier this year, we have sought to work with local residents to address any concerns and have revised the layout of the development in our planning application. We have undergone a thorough flood risk assessment – which will be reviewed by the Lead Local Flood Authority and Yorkshire Water – and are continuing to work with the council’s biodiversity teams to ensure that there is minimal ecological impact. Keepmoat remains committed to listening and working with the local community throughout the planning and consultation process, and we welcome any further comments from local residents.

“We’re looking forward to working with East Riding Council as well as key stakeholders in the area to provide high quality housing that integrates well with the local community.”

Anyone wishing to comment on the proposals has until December 2 to comment online at the Public Access website, using application number 22/02891/STPLF, or by email to [email protected].