by Ray Duffill
East Riding Council’s consultation on its Local Plan has sparked concern in Hedon and surrounding areas after consultation pop-ins were omitted from South West Holderness.
The council has invited residents to have their say on plans for development that will shape the future of the East Riding for years to come. It says that responses are welcome from now until 11.59pm on Monday, December 5.
A series of public drop-in events has been arranged to give members of the public an opportunity to speak to a planning officer about the Local Plan Update, but, despite South West Holderness being earmarked for lots of development, a pop-in session has not been arranged in the area.
Within minutes of the consultation being announced on social media, Councillor John Dennis, ward member for South West Holderness, responded: “I’m presently awaiting a callback from the East Riding planners to see why Hedon is omitted. There is only one session in the area east of Hull while there are nine in other areas.”
Ian Ireland, chairman of Preston Parish Council, said: “Given there are some 12,000 residents in the area, this is surely a gross oversight by the council?”
Preston traffic campaigner Pat Ferguson, who noted that consultation relied a lot on electronic communication, added: “I agree – and how many of those don’t have access to the internet and so know nothing about this?”
Councillor Dennis said later: “Having just received the email containing the Local Plan Submission document, I have briefly read the contents. I intend to go through it in more detail as soon as I can.
“When I read the section on Hedon, I noticed in the first line of 23.4, that the enormous 453-acre area of ABP land at Hedon’s boundary is quoted as ‘west’ of Saltend. It’s definitely east, comprising as it does, the ‘buffer zone’ separating Hedon from the industry around Saltend and Hull’s dockland.
“As far as Hedon’s flooding issues are concerned, I feel I must stress the absolute need for all of the surface water from the industrial developments nearby, to be sent to directly to the Humber, to be discharged downstream of the Clough Gates at Saltend. It must certainly not be discharged into the Burstwick Drain or any other watercourse.
“The Burstwick Drain is often, after rainfall on the agricultural land in Holderness, full to the brim and has been known to discharge back into the old combined rainwater and sewage system serving the ancient town of Hedon, resulting in flooding.
“The additional pressure brought about by rainwater falling on hundreds of additional acres of industry, car parks, roads and other surfaced areas will be enormous and I hope that existing facilities for its disposal, particularly Burstwick Drain, are not overwhelmed.
“Hedon suffered major flooding in 2007 and many homes were inundated by sewage and rainwater backing up through the sewers and underground pipes to flood residences and roads.
“I have had several emails and messages already expressing the serious worries of many residents.”