by Michelle Horst
An 11-year-old boy from Hornsea is continuing to fundraise for the Hornsea Pantry after completing the Humberside Police Lifestyle challenge this summer.
Thanks to Archie Taylor’s community spirit, Pantry users should have a little extra to enjoy over the holiday period.
Archie spent his summer with a group of friends raising money for the Hornsea Community Pantry. Their efforts earned them a runner-up prize in the annual Lifestyle scheme. Together, the team collected £630 through car washing and bake sales.
Christine Parker, who organises the Pantry, said of their hard work: “They worked their socks off in summer. The money they raised really helped. Christmas is always a difficult time of year for donations at the Pantry, and they even helped buying stock.”
As the Lifestyle project came to an end, Archie contacted the Pantry to discover how he could continue to support the charity. He said: “Christine, the lady who runs the pantry, said they needed chocolate for the Christmas party. So I wanted to help with that.”
Archie rose to the challenge once again and has spent his evenings designing Christmas cards, making decorations and gifts to sell.
The Hornsea Community Primary School pupil has already raised more than £90, which he intends to use to purchase additional chocolate donations. Archie, who celebrated his birthday this week, said: “Asda donated 10 selection boxes already.”
Christine went on to praise Archie’s dedication: “He’s really got behind it – he is so polite, and so kind.”
Archie’s mother, Kirsty, said: “I’m really proud of him. He has spent hours decorating the baubles.” His auntie Clare added: “He’s always so thoughtful and caring.”
Archie hopes to raise as much as possible by December 21. Anyone who wants to donate or order handmade decorations can go to the Facebook group Archie’s Christmas Crafts.
Food donations for Hornsea Pantry are always needed and can be left at the collection point in the Hornsea Lions shop. Anyone needing to access the Pantry is encouraged to call 07305 097009 in confidence.