16 February 2025

A night of awards at Lions dinner

by Terry Bearpark

At the annual charter dinner held by Withernsea and District Lions Club last Friday, more than 70 members and guests, including members of other Lions clubs, enjoyed a meal at the Patrington Haven Caravan Park.

Hosted by Lion President John Earle and his wife Christine, the dinner marked the 56th anniversary of the formation of Withernsea Lions in 1967.

Joining John and Christine at the top table were distinguished guests District Governor Kevin Hunter and his wife Cynthia, Withernsea mayor Cllr Lyn Healing and her Consort David and Withernsea Coastguard station officer John Hickey and his wife Gill.

District Governor Hunter spoke of the work done by Lions all over the world and praised Withernsea Lions for their involvement in the community.

Mr Hickey gave a speech about the work done by HM Coastguard, not only on the coast but inland as well, especially with the recent flooding. Many of their jobs involved working with the police searching for missing persons.

The occasion also saw the presentation of community awards totalling £3,250, with the Shores centre receiving £1,000 towards its food bank project, Keyingham Village Hall £500, Withernsea Armed Forces and Veterans Breakfast Club £500, Ottringham Community Lunch Project £500 and Withernsea Town War Memorial Clock Trust £500. A donation of £250 was also made to the District Governor’s Ladies Appeal for the Make a Wish Foundation.

Coming as a great surprise to him, President John Earle was presented by the District Governor with the Melvin Jones Fellowship Award, the highest form of recognition by Lions International, embodying humanitarian ideas consistent with the nature and purpose of Lionism.

New members are always welcome and should contact Lion Secretary Ernie Oldfield on 01964 623138.

The Lions are also desperate for volunteers to help in their charity shop in Withernsea – the main source of funds that help with their community work. Anyone who can spare just a couple of hours a week can go into the shop in Queen Street or contact Mr Oldfield.