27 July 2024

The Write Stuff – our Jubilee junior short story challenge

Following the Gazette’s successful short story writing competition earlier this year, we have once again teamed up with Seaside FM to launch a brand-new creative writing challenge for children called The Write Stuff.

Our short story competition is open to primary school children from Key Stage Two, and was launched on April 14.

We’re calling on budding young authors right across Holderness: from Hornsea to Hedon, Skipsea to Spurn, Brandesburton to Burstwick and Withernsea to Withernwick to enter our fantastic new writing competition!

To celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we thought it appropriate that a new generation should have the opportunity to demonstrate their creativity in honour of this remarkable occasion. From her accession to the throne on February 6, 1952, at the age of 25 to today, Her Majesty is the first British monarch to celebrate 70 years of service. The nation will celebrate this milestone with an extended holiday from June 2-5.

Stories can be on any original idea related to the theme of the Jubilee and must be no longer than 800 words. The winner will have their story published in the Gazette on Thursday, May 26, receive a £20 book token and have their story narrated on Seaside FM. You have plenty of time to let your imaginations loose and get writing! A runner-up will receive a £10 book token.

Our competition judge is Gazette columnist and Seaside FM presenter, Andrea Burn (pictured), who was also a primary school teacher for many years. Here, Andrea shares some writing suggestions that could come in handy if you’re stuck for ideas.

“Hello, budding young authors! I hope you are excited by our new short story writing competition, The Write Stuff. The Queen’s forthcoming Jubilee celebrations are the perfect opportunity for you to shine like a jewel with your own story.

“There are lots of themes you might want to choose from, such as queens and kings, castles or even a street party. Perhaps you might wish to write a story set in 1952, or even a funny story from the point of view of one of the Queen’s corgis! Maybe you will write a story about families? Your story can be based on a real event or be a work of fiction; it can be humorous or a thriller. From a fairy-tale to the fantastic, the choice is up to you, so what are you waiting for?

“Don’t forget that your parents and grandparents are great people to talk to for story ideas as well as visiting the library, where you can read other stories to help inspire you. Whatever you write, it must be your very own story in your own words.

“Above all, have fun and be creative!”

The closing date for entries is 5pm on Thursday, May 12, 2022. Entries should preferably be typed and emailed to [email protected] with the permission of a parent or guardian and should be marked “The Write Stuff: Jubilee Children’s Writing Competition”.

Alternatively, stories can be handwritten (but must be legible, so take care with handwriting and spelling) posted and addressed to The Write Stuff: Jubilee Children’s Writing Competition, Holderness Gazette, 1 Seaside Road, Withernsea, East Yorkshire HU19 2DL. Entries can also be handed in to the Gazette office.

Please add your child’s name, age, address and contact number and the name of the child’s parent or guardian to your entry. Please keep a master copy as unfortunately entries will not be returned.